Air Moving Services

RES Environmental Services provides Air-Moving services to a variety of customers for the conveyance of solids and semi solid materials. RES can provide high capacity air moving trucks using Guzzlers capable of 28 inches of vacuum with a 15 yard holding tank mounted on the truck.

Tank Cleaning, Vessel Cleaning and Pond Cleaning

RES has the personnel and the air-moving equipment to clean a variety of tanks, vessels and ponds. RES can then stage the removed material for subsequent disposal. RES has experience with soil and gravel removal utilizing this equipment.


In the event a customer needs to remove soil from a sensitive area i.e. from around underground pipes, electrical or concrete structures where a backhoe or excavator could risk damage to expensive equipment Hydro-excavation is a solid alternative. With the air moving unit and water pressure RES is capable of removing the soil from around these underground structures.

Free Consult

Contact RES Environmental Services today for a free assessment of your needs as we would like to provide your solutions.
Telephone our offices at 888-862-8555. We will ensure that every dollar you invest in protecting your business is spent wisely and will have the most significant impact.

Local Leaders in the Industryread more

We are an environmental services firm with more than 70 combined years of experience in the industrial cleaning and environmental industry. As one of the Northern California's leading environmental consultants, RES delivers environmental consulting with an uncompromising commitment to client service and safety

Some of our key projects:read more

Project: Hazardous Waste Removal, Sacramento, California.
A Major Acetylene Production Plant in Sacramento County.


Project: Equipment Clearing, Emeryville, California.
A Major Paint Production Plant in Alameda County.